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Support groups provide the opportunity for anyone who wishes to benefit from shared experiences, encouragement and information. 

Chair Yoga~ Aromatherapy

Pull up a Chair! and Breathe Deep!


Good Morning

Good Morning ~ Great Start Group Everyday !

How are you? What are you struggling with today? How can others help you to help yourself today?


Men's Group

Men's Group ~Men gather to discuss mens issues. Share in confidence among friends.

Craft Group

Craft Group~ Get Crafty! work on projects at your own pace. All supplies are provided. 

Poetry Group

Beyond Recovery Poetry Group~ Creates a gentle, non-threatening atmosphere where people feel safe and are invited to share feelings openly and honestly. Creative expression through reading or writing are encouraged. 


Creative Writing Group

Creative Writing Group~

In this group, we use personal writing to explore our life narratives. Together we share our stories, discovering what is universal about our experience as well as unique to us as individuals.


Bright Perspectives Group

Bright Perspectives Group~ support for those living with Depression, Bipolar and other mood related disorders. Talk, Listen, Learn. Provide support for one another.

Ladies Group

Ladies Group~

Women helping women. From the complex to the casual, ladies supporting each other  through life.


Co-Occuring Group

Co-Occuring Group  ~ support and self-help strategies for those living with mental illness that are struggling with addiction. Successfully, reclaim your life. You don't have to do it alone.

Health Video

Healthy  Video~ Learn together,  follows your own unique path to wellness but make that journey in the company of others headed in the same direction.

Hearing Voices Group

 Hearing Voices Group ~ We provide a safe space for people with schizophrenia to share their experiences and support for one another. We promote self help, mutual respect and empathy.

Music Group

Music Group ~  Create a sense of connectedness with self and others. Drumming, Music Trivia, & More! 

Fun & Games Group

Fun & Games Group ~  Socialize, make new friends, meet some old ones Game Night fun for all! 

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** disclaimer-There exists no one in the group that has any professional psychological or psychiatric training and all opinions expressed on Any Disorder are  shared individial  personal experiences.

Reach Out support Center



9:00a- 2:00p



9:00a - 6:00p​


152 Monroe Avenue

Penndel, PA 19047


Call Us:

(215) 970-5462

Homeless Drop In
Day Shelter


Mon- Fri
6:00a -4:00p



152 Monroe Avenue

Penndel, PA 19047


Call Us:

(215) 970-9261

Van Reservations are Required

© 2016 Reach Out Foundation of Bucks County 

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